Good cryptography requires good random numbers. Almost all cryptography protocols require the generation and use of secret values that must be unknown to attackers. A RNG for cryptography applications should appear to computationally bounded adversaries to be close as possible to a perfect RNG.....................
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Cryptography has a long and colourful history. Historically, four groups of people have used and contributed to the art of cryptography; the military, the diplomatic corps, diarists, and lovers. Of these the military has had the most important role and has shaped the field................
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Cryptography has emerged as an enormously important component of the networked world. People are hesitant to trust the World Wide Web and e-commerce without the protections crypto provides. As companies build Virtual Private Networks, demand secure communications and require stronger authentication techniques, more and more applications are built with crypto as core components..................
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This paper describes briefly the techniques of cryptography with the help of some algorithms like two fish and some other techniques like smart cards. Cryptography makes it possible to keep data secure over an insecure network. Cryptography is the process or skill of communicating in secret writing also known as encryption....................
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The present century has been one of many scientific discoveries and technological advancements. With the advent of technology came the issue of security. As computing systems became more complicated, there was an increasing need for security...............
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